This website is best viewed using Firefox 3.x. However, it has also been successfully tested with Opera 9.x, Safari 4.x, and Internet Explorer 8.x.If you cannot view the sub-menus when using Internet Explorer, you may notice a warning message above the website window. You must be running ActiveX controls to view the sub-menus.Please contact the webmaster for assistance.
From the Webmaster
I hope you enjoy the new VWV website. While most of the content from the old site has been reproduced, there are several elements still needed to be done.
- Captions still need to be added to the photos under the “Vietnam Memories” pages. The photo albums were not automatically transferred, so this has to be done manually.
- The 1999 Conference website also needs to be re-created, then placed on the new VWV website. I would also appreciate receiving photos and information from other conferences.
As a supporter of and volunteer for the VWV, my webmaster duties are done in my spare time. However, I will make every effort to complete it as soon as possible.
In the meantime, please notify me of any errors or problems. Please contact me at [email protected] and welcome all feedback.
Please check this page often for updates.
In grateful appreciation for your service,
Terri Spencer